This weekend, the crew from my house met up with our friends in Málaga to do the next step towards getting their foreign residency cards. As this was on Friday, I had class but met them in Málaga later on that day to go to Nick and Ron's place in Marbella and then do a day trip to Gibraltar.
This group is comprised of Eddie, Robby, Leslie, Nick, Ron and Myself. Sometimes a few other girls. We call ourselves Los Lobos (The wolves). I arrive in Málaga and they meet me at the bus station, but there's one more person who I don't recognize. Apparently, while they were waiting in line at the police station, they met another girl who was doing the Auxiliar de Conversaciones too. Randomly, they asked her if she wanted to come with us to Marbella and Gibraltar and so she became initiated into our wolf pack.

We then head over to Marbella and have a great time just hanging out, getting to know Anneli and catching up with Ron and Nick. The next day we take a bus down to Gibraltar. Well, the bus goes to the Spanish town La Linea and then we have to cross the border into Gibraltar since it isn't technically a Spanish city. When we were in there, it was a complete mix of Spanish and English. You could hear both languages being spoken, you could pay for things in either the Euro or the Pound and you could eat anything from Paella to Fish and Chips.
The weather started out British today too. |

Since we were limited on time, we took a van tour up the big Gibraltar rock. While there, we saw the Pillars of Hercules (which used to be considered the end of the earth), the caves of Gibraltar, the old british army tunnels carved into the rock for protection from the siege, and of course, the monkeys! They were everywhere. Our tour guide coaxed them up onto our shoulders, but we were not allowed to touch the monkeys back since they have a habit of biting.
When we got back from the rock tour, we went to a Fish and Chips place that was owned by an Englishman for authentic Fish and Chips.
Overall, it was a great weekend. We got to see our friends from the other side of the Málaga, we met a great girl, and I had a monkey on my shoulder.
I guess a monkey on your shoulder is better than a monkey on your back. Thanks for the updates. We love em and you.